Nous élevons environ 30 vaches laitières de race Montbéliarde.

nous mettons en valeur 40 Hectares, principalement en prairies à base de trèfle blanc et ray grass anglais.

Toute la nourriture des animaux (pature, foin, enrubannage,  un peu de maïs l'hiver) est produite sur la ferme.

nous respectons le cahier des charges de l'agriculture biologique (pas de pesticides ni d'engrais chimique, lien au sol, respect des animaux, limitation des traitements antibiotiques, favoriser la santé par des actions préventives et en acceptant une productivité modeste )

Nos vaches sont en plein air toute l'année.

Jardin du Trèfle- Clover Garden- believes in and practices "beyond organic" farming:

  • No pesticides are used
  • No herbicides are used
  • No hormones are given to the cows
  • The cows graze on pasture grasses, not grains, the whole year
  • The majority of the food given to the animals is raised on the farm
  • Manure is incorporated back into the fields to create healthy soils
  • The animals are raised with kindness and respect

 In these ways, Jardin du Trèfle creates a sustainable farm, one that enriches the very soils on which the cows live. This ensures that the farm can continue creating healthy cows and healthy farmers for generations to come. You're welcome to visit and see the way this translates into the taste of our milk and other products.

The family has been a part of the farm since 1976. Pierre, one of the farmers, is carrying on his father's traditions and has also added a few things since coming to the farm. Pierre built the current cheese making room, aging cave, and cheese shop from the ground up using traditional building methods and materials from the area.

the 3 associates know the names and habits of all 28 (or so) Montbèliardes (a breed native to eastern France) at Jardin du Trèfle. The distinctive dark red and white cows produce rich milk as well as excellent beef. Each cow here is raised with care and kindness. the farmers tend to the birth of the cows only if needed. Each is petted and cleaned twice daily before milking. If you stop by the farm to buy your milk around six pm, you'll be treated to a greeting from the very cows producing your milk. Stop by the shop to purchase milk and other products made by hand on the farm.